Riley Herzog
Riley Herzog is a second-year college student at Fordham University in New York City, majoring in Communications and Media Studies with a concentration in Television.
Throughout her school years, Riley has been interested in bringing teams together through transparent communication and credits her ability to convey ideas clearly and succinctly for her success in leadership roles.
As an intern with DNA Consulting, Riley utilizes her skills and experience to create media concepts, presentations, video support productions, graphic design needs and general branding assistance.
As a young girl, Riley was exposed to DNA Consulting’s underlying methodologies used in leadership development and consulting engagements. The leadership frameworks can be used with teams of all sizes, whether they are large corporations, executive/board groups, or school teams. With the tools and models engrained in her, Riley was selected to critical leadership roles within her school, drill team and extracurricular activities.
During the school year, Riley works as a News Editor for the Fordham TV, FSTV, the leading student run TV station within NYC. In this role, she was selected as a Freshman to edit film clips, adjust settings and lighting, alter sound bites, and utilize graphics in ways that convey critical and engaging messages to the public. This role is typically reserved for Seniors, but Riley’s impressive portfolio and leadership ability made her the selected candidate.
In addition to her internship, Riley has a freelance business assisting small businesses with video media and commercials. She manages all aspects of the production process – from writing scripts to preparing actors to filming/editing to distribution. In these roles, she can merge her two passions – media production and leadership! Her dream is to be a TV Director in the future!
Riley has served in several key leadership roles, including board positions, within the National Charity League, Golden Corridor chapter, a non- profit organization for mothers and daughters which focuses on community service and leadership development. To be placed in these annual roles, she was nominated and voted in by her peer group, over the course of several years.
Riley knew she had a talent for media when her photography skills were awarded recognitions in multiple art shows throughout her high school years. These included being the Finalist in the prestigious Drexel University Photography Competition and Exhibition (2019) and the Runner Up in the Young American Talent Art Contest for two photograph pieces (2018).